The Plushie Corner
Welcome to the Plushie Corner! I've ended up with quite the collection of plushies over the years and I absolutely love em, so I thought it'd be fun to show some favourites here on my site! I'll probably end up adding to this, so look out for that,,,,
Click any thumbnail to see the full sized photo!
Name: Bernad (yes, spelled like that,,)
When did I get it?: Christmas 2004(?)
When is it from?: He was straight from the store
Further info:
Bernad is my childhood teddy, I received him for Christmas, though I don't quite remember which year. It was before I got Sali and Mali, my first guinea pigs, so definitely pre-2005. He's an old boy! And sadly he shows it, he's a littly scruffy and all the stuffing that used to be in his chest has since travelled down into his tummy and arms, so he's a bit floppy. But he's been absolutely all over the place, including France and Thailand, so I think he's allowed to look his age,,
Name: Boobah (I think the purple one's named Zumbah?)
When did I get it?: Another childhood toy, pre-2005
When is it from?: Early 2000s
Further info:
As is the experience of anyone who was ever a little girl, I received a lot of baby dolls, and I found them terrifying. I hid all of them in the back of my wardrobe so I wouldn't have to look at them. But I did play house! And when I did, Boobah was the baby,, What that means about my psyche, I'm not going to think about. His eyes move, his head's made of hard plastic while his body is soft and full of beans. Cammy is not a fan but thas okay, he grows on people.
Name: Afan
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2022
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If you really want a good quality pokemon plushie that doesn't cost a fortune, I genuinely can't recommend Build-a-Bear enough. This here is their lovely leafeon plushie and she's genuinely fantastic. Good size, good weight, and she came with a bunch of cute little clothes. This is also my pokesona! The group and I have ended up quite attached to something called "Eeveelescent", in which each of us are depicted by a specific eeveelution. My gal is Afan, she's the Leafeon, and I bought her online in 2023. Such a good lad. I should get the other folks to post about their own pokeplushies somewhere,,,
Name: Xeno and Blu
When did I get it?: 2022 for Xeno, 2023 for Blu
When is it from?: 2022-2023
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Listen, if there's one thing to know about me, aside from my love of guinea pigs, it's that I really love silly little aliens. Bright green with big eyes, that's the best. So when Build-a-Bear released the Bear-lien, I know I had to get one. I got Xeno and it was a special moment, as he was my first ever Build-a-Bear teddy! A desire of mine I'd had since I was little. Blu came later, as I saw on the site that a smaller Bear-lien as well as a pink one had been released. I might get the pink one but I I really loved the little blue one, so now I have a lil Bear-lien family!
Name: Bagpuss
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2006
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For a very very long time, I've absolutely adored Bagpuss, the show was a huge comfort to me as a little kid and it still relaxes me now. I'm almost certain I had the whole series on VHS at some point. Anywhom, one day in town I was perusing Forbidden Planet, a store that mostly sells geeky nonsense, and inexplicably came across a Bagpuss plushie. It was fairly large, and was one of those ones that was weighted, smelled of lavender, and you could microwave it to heat it up to be comfy. But! The face was super janky, so I didn't get it. This started a journey to find a not jank Bagpuss plushie online, and this is the lil guy that I ended up finding. If you squeeze him he plays the "waking up sound" from the show and yawns.
Name: Caramel
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2016
Further info:
The journey with Caramel started with finding a photo of him online, I was immediately fixated,, Of course, Cammy's main sona is a erythristic eurasian badger, which I would've assumed entirely impossible to find a plushie of. Charlie Bear to the rescue! He's a limited edition guy named 'Gunther' on the site, and I managed to snag one at a good price on Ebay. I did want him to have a bit of his own identity and thus named him Caramel rather than Cammy,,, He's a solid bear built with traditional jointed arms and legs, and not pictured in this photo is his crazy fluffy tail.
Name: Fintan
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2023?
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This lil guy holds a special place in my heart,,, named after an OC of mine, Fintan the red squirrel, he was bought at the Natural History Museum in London at the same time that Cammy bought a little bunny and named her Calanthe, after another OC of mine. It was our first day together in person after he arrived at Heathrow, and we had a fantastic time wandering around the Museum, so this plushie reminds me of that. And! He's super soft as a bonus, especially the tail. Super cute, 10/10.
Name: Garfield
When did I get it?: 2022
When is it from?: 1978
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Speaking of fat, sleepy, stripy cats born in the 70s, I also love Garfield a whole bunch, especially the late 70s-80s version of the character. As such, I was absolutely on the look out for a vintage plushie. My Ebay profile is constantly showing me a bunch of them, but this one stood out to me the most. He's a real solid guy and in fantastic shape for being nearly 50 years old. Mostly he lounges on top of my bookcase, but that suits both of us just fine. Hover over his pic to see him wearing his "Jamiroquai hat", as dubbed by Cammy,, The hat is also about 30 years old now, lordy.
Name: Mordecai and Rocky
When did I get it?: 2024
When is it from?: 2023
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Since the very beginning, so 2008-ish, I've been a fan of the Lackadaisy Cats webcomic. It was a huge inspiration to me as a developing artist, and it continues to be. In more recent years, Tracy has been focused on a connected project, the creation of an animated pilot based on the comic, which you can watch on YouTube here. They then released a fundraiser for a series with a buuuunch of tiers with different goodies. The thing that really caught my attention was plushies! I got the Early Bird special and was backer no.632! These two are from that,, They're super lovely quality (as everything Tracy is involved in tends to be), which I am delighted about, and I feel honoured to be part of this endeavour in my own small way.
Name: Ivy and Freckle
When did I get it?: 2024
When is it from?: 2023
Further info:
These two guys were added onto the fundraiser, and I am weak to plushies and also these two characters,,, so I had to get them too! Freckle's tail is massive, as is his ears, and Ivy came with a fluffy feather to attach to her headband, so overall a very good use of my money,, Gah, I love Lackadaisy so much, look at them!!!
Name: Mochi
When did I get it?: 2022
When is it from?: 2022
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I can't remember how exactly I discovered this lad, but I remember purchasing him from Ebay, where the shipping cost more than the buying price, and waiting for him to be shipped all the way from Japan. He also arrived in a FedEx box that was about four inches tall, so I had to fluff him up like a pillow bc he was,, flat. But look at him!! So cute, I had to,,, He's named Mochi because he is of a similar consistency, with a rather stretchy fabric and squishy stuffing. Please note; teeny tiny paw pads.
Name: Moomin
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2023
Further info:
Complete and utter impulse buy, I was in an art gallery in Bristol on a college trip and there was inexplicably a Moomin plushie in the gift shop. At the time I was on a real Moomin kick and I do just really like them too, so I felt it was fate and grabbed him. He's not very heavy, no beans, all stuffing, but he has a real good and fluffy tail tip and is a nice shape, so a big win in my books,,, Sometime I'll get photos of my Moomin magnets and mugs on this site too, also I'm still on the lookout for a pin badge. Might still be on a Moomin kick, thinking about it,,
Name: Moose
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: 2023
Further info:
This lil guy was a gift I received from my good bud Savannah, he travelled all the way from Canada in a cardboard box along with a bunch of snacks, an adorable card and a fantastic handcrafted magnet (that I absolutely gotta post places!), and I just find him real cute,, And honestly, any kind of physical keepsake from internet friends is deeply special to me, a little reminder that they're real and I should also send em more gifts :D
Name: Snowman
When did I get it?: 2023
When is it from?: late 90s
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Another beloved childhood toy, but this time one of Cammy's. He'd been holding onto a very old, very worn out plushie from his childhood of a snowman that had sadly been made of a very delicate fabric that did not last while a lil sperg petted and squeezed it, but he didn't know what brand the plushie was, where it came from, or any useful information for replacing it. Cue me and my random plushie trivia finding it during a group call! Cammy bought him immediately, and later on found a second listing, which he also bought. He brought over one of them, the first one I believe? while visiting me for the first time, and left him with me, so we both have one. I'm taking good care of him, I promise!
Extras: the alternate boohbah: [IMG], the alternate garf: [IMG], a behind the scenes of the photoshoot: [IMG]